
Jeems: body and energy shifts

Jeems is back with his second class for MyGrooveGuide. Dance along and learn about using different energy levels, creating new movements and develop your freestyle hip hop through patterns and concepts.


This class consists of three parts:

Part 1 (31 minutes)
Using different energy levels can make your dance more interesting to watch. In this part, you will learn about energy shifting and the use of panel steps.

Part 2 (23 minutes)
In this class you will learn how to use body shifting to make your dance more interesting. Along with that, we will work on the concept of body rolls. 

Part 3 (18 minutes)
Using patterns in dance is a way to create new movements, but also to build a base for freestyling. Jeems will teach you how to do it in this final part of his class.

Check out this class
Jeems hip hop class
Jeems hip hop class
Jeems hip hop class