
Jeems: hip hop freestyle class

When it comes to freestyling, Jeems is a pioneer. In this class, you will learn the basics of hip hop freestyle. Jeems will teach you basic steps, variations and concepts to create your own movements within hip hop dance.

This class consists of three parts:

Part 1 (11 minutes)
Bouncing to the beat is essential for hip hop dance. In the first part of Jeems’s class, you will learn how to bounce in different ways and directions.

Part 2 (10 minutes)
In this part you will learn how to use poses to highlight your movements. On top of that, you will learn how to use your creativity to create new movements through character development.

Part 3 (13 minutes)
In this final part we will work on your musicality and you will learn how to dance based on a concept.

Check out this class
Jeems hip hop class
Jeems hip hop class
Jeems hip hop class